Clairtone 7002 G2
Hef owned one. Oscar Peterson said that his music sounded as good on a Project G as it did live.
images with captions courtesy of Clairtone website
I got you, babe.
Ol’ Blue Eyes.
Even a teen idol owned one.
$1595 in 1963. Designed by Hugh Spencer. Less than 400 were sold.
I came across a post by DC Hillier (see below) that said the drivers in the Sound Globes were Wharfedale’s Super 10 RS DD. From the wonderful Clairtone website:
The Project G stereo came in two models. While the exteriors of both these models almost identical the interiors are vastly different. On the first run and rarer Project G all components such as the TC4 amplifier, the Elac 10H turntable are mounted sideways with the record storage (in red velvet) in the center of the unit between the amp and turntable. In the later T10 models all components; the amplifier and the Garrard Lab 80 turntable are mounted horizontally in relation to the length of the cabinet. In the later T10 models the record storage in located in at the base of the amplifier.
The less expensive version from 1966. Designed by David Gilmour, Tony Mann and Al Faux.
Clairtone, a Canadian company founded in 1958 by Peter Munk and David Gilmour, also made less-hip stuff.
But they really hit the pocket with hip.
Two Clairtone Collectors/Lovers, Daniel Leblanc and DC Hillier, have a lovely Clairtone website that’s very much worth a peak. It includes details of what components came inside your Clairtone console as well as lots of other hip stuff.
From their Mission Statement:
So, to us, the Project G represents a time better than now. A time when music was a shared social event and not just an instant access, pick-and-choose private insularity. We conserve these wonderful stereos to remind people not what we once were as a nation but what we still can be.
There’s also a book which you can find on Amazon.